- from the album 'Softly into Stillness'
A gentle, ethereal atmosphere with a supportively soothing flow - deeply relaxing, spacious and enchantingly peaceful.
A sanctuary to be entered into at any time.
'Music for a Quiet Mind'
A predominantly solo grand piano album with orchestration on a couple of key tracks that feature the Abbey Strings and Abbey Voices.
'Softly into Stillness'

'Bird Song'
A very gentle and spacious recording of light bird song to create a peaceful and healing atmosphere. The beautiful crystal clear song of the Robin (often associated with healing qualities) is featured throughout
this recording.

“Beautiful music that touches the soul and lifts the spirit.”

A refreshingly restful atmosphere featuring a variety of frogs in a little pool deep in the forest. Nature’s display of thunder and lightning with heavy downpours of rain culminates into a peaceful, calming setting with raindrops gently kissing the abundant foliage.
'The Enchanted Cavern'
Enter a magical wonderland created by nature with stalactites, stalagmites and echoey drips reverberating through endless chambers. You will hear trickles of water that run into little streams and otherwise silent pools and also experience the mysterious ‘wind tunnelling’ effect.
The continuous sound of falling water provides an ideal backdrop for healing, relaxation and meditation. Besides the therapeutic benefits, it also acts as a sound blanket, effectively masking unwanted and distracting sounds.

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