'Purrrrfect Peace'
Since childhood days the gentle sound of a cat purring has evoked a great sense of peace and unity, a shared experience of deep contentment. The sound of a cat purring on this recording is a communication which transcends mere words. May it move you deeply and lovingly into that state of being which is pure bliss and contentment.
‘Wolves' - For Vibrant-Dynamic Energy
The solitary call of a lone wolf, and from the silent space - a distant reply . . .
The eerie howling of a small group - creating marvellous musical harmonies . . .
Playful pups add a touch of lightness . . . thunder and rain contribute to this hauntingly beautiful atmosphere.
'Log Fire'
The soft roar and gentle crackling of a small log fire creates a very comforting ambiance.
'Storm at Sea' - For Vibrant-Dynamic Energy
Powerful and Dynamic. Mighty crashing waves with explosive sheets of spray are accompanied by gale to typhoon force winds, frequent strikes of lightning and violent crashes of thunder.

‘The Ocean'
The soft soothing sound of the ocean is probably nature’s most relaxing sound - maybe because it touches a very deep chord in us to bring us back to our essential being - the spirit that is of eternity.
'The Enchanted Cavern'
Enter a magical wonderland created by nature with stalactites, stalagmites and echoey drips reverberating through endless chambers. You will hear trickles of water that run into little streams and otherwise silent pools and also experience the mysterious ‘wind tunnelling’ effect.



A refreshingly restful atmosphere featuring a variety of frogs in a little pool deep in the forest. Nature’s display of thunder and lightning with heavy downpours of rain culminates into a peaceful, calming setting with raindrops gently kissing the
abundant foliage.

'Niagara Falls'
Powerful and Dynamic. Most effectively used as a sound ‘mask’ or sound ‘blanket’ to mask unwanted or distracting sounds. Tinnitus sufferers also use it for the same purpose. Referred to as ‘pink noise’, it contains all frequencies of the sound spectrum and was once used as a BBC test signal. Recorded from three perspectives to give a fully saturated sound.
One might hear sounds that are not there (David Sun hears birds singing - what do you hear?)
‘The Secret Garden'
A breath of wind - the gentle flow of water - the song of the birds with delicate bamboo wind chimes - all create a sense of peace & harmony in ‘The Secret Garden’
The continuous sound of falling water provides an ideal backdrop for healing, relaxation and meditation. Besides the therapeutic benefits, it also acts as a sound blanket, effectively masking unwanted and distracting sounds.

'Tropical Ocean'
The warmth of the palm-fringed sandy beach with the sun low in the sky. Soft and varied songs of tropical birds with the sea providing a nurturing lullaby.

‘Zen Rock Pool'
Sitting quietly, doing nothing. Be enchanted with the delicate ebb and flow - be delighted in this meditative dance.

‘By a Babbling Brook'
Soothing, calming and relaxing. Rest a while and enjoy the musical tones of the flowing waters and be refreshed.

'Stormy Weather' - For Vibrant-Dynamic Energy
Dynamic - Powerful - Exhilarating. From the first few drops of rain to a gentle shower. Frequent rumbles of distant thunder create a powerfully poignant atmosphere. Nature’s dramatic display progresses to a hard beating torrential downpour with immediate strikes of lightening accompanied by explosive charges of overhead thunder; Then the easing of nature’s forces - the rain and thunder subsides leaving a tranquil atmosphere of raindrops dripping from the foliage . . . and the birds begin to sing.

'Gentle Rain' - For Deeply Refreshing Sleep
Soft and gentle - the rain has an almost hypnotic quality - a very simple and peaceful natural recording. Equally effective for relaxation and meditation.

'The Sea' - For Yoga & Relaxation
The rhythmic pulse of the sea with its gentle ebb and flow - the occasional soft call from a distant gull - all combine to create a peaceful and healing ambiance.
Like jewels, glistening in shafts of light through the foliage after a heavy shower of rain. The soft pitter-patter of raindrops, so calm and refreshing - and so very relaxing.

Journey out to sea to meet these beautiful, warm-hearted and playful creatures. Hear their wide variety of calls (some almost bird-like) as they swim, dance, jump and dive in their ocean home. Recorded on, and beneath the surface, you will also enjoy a great variety of water sounds.

Track 1: The calm lapping at the waters edge is accompanied by a variety of geese, ducks, loons and woodland birds to create a very peaceful atmosphere.
Track 2: A very tranquil atmosphere - just the gentle lapping of the lake.


1. Under the old apple tree in the garden
2. On the potato sacks in the potting shed - it’s raining!
3. In the conservatory - now it’s hailing!
4. The big cushion on the window seat at the lakeside cabin
5. By the fire

Track Listing:
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'The Sounds of Nature for a Quiet Mind' - A new series of peaceful recordings from the natural world to support you in creating a harmonious environment. David Sun’s deep love of nature and communion with the natural world is reflected in this collection. Since his first attempt at recording the sea, he has been committed to creating a reminder through his musical compositions, art and writing, of the deep beauty and preciousness of life.