Reviews & Customer Comments

Throughout, you will be pleased to find a splendid sense of melody, timing and emotive composing that will open the same feeling spaces in the listener. His deepest love is being near to nature, and exploring communication with the natural world. His music conveys that connection, and he succeeds in creating music that has healing or therapeutic qualities, and lends itself to the ongoing process of awakening.
Sun continues to mature as an artist; ever expanding his vision and reach when he steps into the recording studio. It’s a gift to be able to deliver such heavenly music, and strive to grow as an artist while offering music that is as tender as it is alive. His marvelous piano-centered compositions create the intimate feeling of a living room recital of the very highest order.
Lloyd Barde - Music Review - California
(August 2008)
'Joyful Spirit'
“Filled to the brim and overflowing with new beginnings, assurance and fulfillment”
- Lloyd Barde
With a sprinkling of shorter pieces amongst the two longer showcase tracks, we find David with a newfound dynamism that reaches all aspects of the inspired solo piano mode he is exploring, both with a vibrant passion that is rather energetic, and a deep tranquility that goes beyond his prior musical offerings. As a result, certain pieces are clearly playful and dramatic whilst others find their beauty in reverence, yearning or a dreamy quality that recurs throughout.
With a full catalog of titles that delve into themes around Reiki, Yoga, Feng Shui, echoes of Tibet and spiritual chants, it is apparent that the UK musician David Sun is well versed in providing music that supports the healing arts. Whether he is incorporating the sounds of wolves, birds, oceans, or simply his varied palette of soothing and restful keyboards, you can count on a nurturing sound environment, inspired by the natural world n which to immerse yourself.

His newest CD is a case of “it’s in the name,” as 'Joyful Spirit' is imbued with exactly that.
Sun’s wide experience as a published author and acclaimed painter (watercolors and landscapes) seems to translate through the music with vivid imagery, a child-like simplicity, wide-eyed magic, and a sense of storytelling albeit wordless.
Filled to the brim and overflowing with new beginnings, assurance and fulfillment, this new CD promises to be one of David’s most popular and well-received recordings, prompting wondrous response and bountiful sharing of the musical delights contained within.
Lloyd Barde - Music Review - California
(March 2008)

'Music for a Quiet Mind'
When an artist goes outside clearly defined boundaries, the imaginative muse at work can really have its day. Coupled with spontaneous magic flowing from a clearly inspired creative cycle, David Sun’s new CD finds him at a new peak of composing with an infusion of beauty and delicate grace. In a similar vein to his previous recording “Joyful Spirit,” this new release finds an identifiable flow and continuity from the previous recording right into this one. Classical overtones appear intermittently throughout the exquisite tracks, heightened by the inclusion of an impromptu improvisation on the familiar strains of Bach’s “Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring”.
While there is orchestration on a couple of key tracks, with the Abbey Strings and Abbey Voices, it is predominantly a solo grand piano album, and David really delivers from start to finish, with a confident air and an innate wisdom of sourcing the music from deep within. 'Music for a Quiet Mind' offers beautiful music that touches the soul or spirit.
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“David Sun’s new CD finds him at a new peak of composing with an infusion of beauty and delicate grace.”
- Lloyd Barde

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