Current Best Sellers

'Wind Chimes'
These beautifully tuned Wind Chimes, tuned to the ancient pentatonic scale, produce some marvellous melodies and harmonies - as though kissed by a soft breeze. Being totally impromptu, they provide an effectively simple, musically meditative ambiance.

'OM - The Chant'
Among all the sacred sounds on earth, ‘OM’ is the most often chanted. Considered by many as the pure, primal ‘sound of the existence’, ‘OM’ is said to be the original, primordial creative sound from which the universe has come into being.
Find David's entire catalogue on
N E W R E L E A S E S A V A I L A B L E !

'Music for a Quiet Mind'
A predominantly solo grand piano album with orchestration on a couple of key tracks that feature the Abbey Strings and Abbey Voices.
“Beautiful music that touches the soul
and lifts the spirit.”

'Tranquility' (Digitally Remastered)
A gentle stream of music that floats upon one's consciousness with barely a ripple. A centred, reflective continuity is maintained throughout as the music hovers with an almost cosmic sense of tranquility.
The original album, remastered for 2014.

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